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Kshema's 7 Quick Takes Friday (Volume 05/2015)

And then Lord said, "Let there be week days"!

Manic Monday

Hello Monday! Starting day of the week is usually the one filled with frenzy. You are the day when the "To Do" list that's written in the first morning hours is long; and the Inbox gets flooded too. Chase and get chased; and it runs into the other days of the week when the chase weakens by Wednesday and tries to pause by Friday, only to start afresh the next Monday. Home takes backseat.

Turn Up Tuesday

Hey there Tuesday! Work craziness continues with growing number of rush hours, calls, clicking and clacking of keyboard and mouse, multiple windows of word processors, spreadsheets, and browsers strewn open across multiple systems. Programmers feverishly scripting away their ideas to meet the expectations of their principals amidst balancing the poking requests of a network of users.... silently cursing themselves and their days for they cannot satisfy all. The whole environment resembles late night party where everyone is occupied and yet not connected. It is not uncommon to notice a an occasional head or two popping up "is it Friday tomorrow"? Nevertheless, that's the beauty of workplace! Home still resting in backseat.

Wacky Wednesday

"Listen Wednesday, with you, I drag myself to work; and I do not like that." When we are in a hurry we're sure to commit errors. Realizing that the speed that we caught up on Tuesday was not worth, we tend to loosen up a bit; wear our thinking hats and forage for new strategies, while heart silently cries for Friday. Home yawns and wakes up to look around. Laundry Reminder 1.

And I tend to shush up my mind.

Throwback Thursday

"Oh! Thursday? Come on in, didn't quite realize you are already here." We huddle up and discuss the unfinished tasks vowing to wrap them up before we part for the weekend. Some even think of sacrificing the lunch hour and sit back late while the mobile flashes home number calling. Mind recalls the list of chores and errands with respect to home sweet home. And I choose the philosophy of an optimist to see the glass as half-filled.


Feel-good Friday

TGIF!! Mind shouts. Besides, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". Quick mental calculations and taking stock of situation. Shooting off reminders over emails and phone calls. There are unfinished jobs. They are transferred to the "To Do" list of upcoming week. Someone from inside sighs! Only if I had the power to complete all the lined-up tasks, I would have been a happy weekender...... well, you know what? forget it! I did whatever is within my reach and control. "Dear Friday, I'm so glad we're back together. I'm sorry you had to see me with Monday-Thursday, but I swear I was thinking of you the whole time. Come let's do a happy Friday dance." No wonder you deserve more!


Splendid Saturday

Oh Saturday! you are a perfect day for me to splurge into some relaxation, self-pampering and weekend shopping. Home is the happiest to get all the attention; you'll are being taken care of baby and we have another day too... so hang in there!

Spiritual Sunday

O Peace of mind, I beckon you. Please come to me as we have Sunday with us. I can afford to spend time with you. You and I have met last Sunday and bid adieu to each other saying promises to meet up every Sunday.

And then I assure you, I shall be contented to start yet another productive week.

Images courtesy: Google Images

PS: I am considering to change the frequency of posting to monthly or random. Please let me know of any suggestions.

I wish you a wonderful weekend!!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


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