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Kshema'a 7 Quick Takes Friday (Volume 10)

--- 1 ---
Here I am this is me 
There's no where else on Earth I'd rather be 
Here I am it's just me and you 
And tonight we make our dreams come true 

It's a new world it's a new start 
It's alive with the beating of young hearts 
It's a new day it 's a new plan 
I've been waiting for you 
Here I am

[Courtesy: Brian Adams] 

Yes, yes.... new academic session begins and every student whether new or returning will sing these words to his course of studies. The campus is already bright with freshman and the gleaming sophomores, juniors and seniors. The transformation in their feelings and attitudes as the freshman gradually climbs the ladder to a sophomore and so on, is interesting to observe. The freshman batch is mostly enthused and a bit more self disciplined in their dressing and demeanor. As they enter the next two levels, there is an air of reluctance. While in the graduating year there appears a mutual feeling of attachment between the teaching and the taught. Well, it is amusing :)

The week had been a nice one with loads of work.

--- 2 ---

Small thin rain vs Big fat rain

Last week it rained. But the shower was thin and intermittent. As humans we are never happy with what we get. Therefore the rain gods decided to give us what we want. Lo and behold! it rained hard in our desert and the unwanted happened after the wanted. Drains overflowed. Boundary walls collapsed. Roads and houses became mushy and dirty. Rain water seeped insides. Now, the lesson - if God made deserts, He made with a purpose. Do not ask for something that does not suit you!

--- 3 ---

Life is too short for drama and petty things...........

So true! Chanced it on one of my FB friend's status. It is - 

"Life is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly". ~ Susan Chapman Melanson & Archie Campbell

The circumstances of the statement by the authors has been very different from the mood of this blog. Yet, the statement appears to make an impact on us irrespective of our situations. I have been reading stuff about stress, de-stressing, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, leading a happy life etc., for some time now. An infographic presents 6 ways to reduce employee stress and improve productivity as - sleep, exercise, green spaces, breaks, 40-hour work week, and vacations.

It reminds me, it has been quite some time that I took a vacation. Any suggestions for me for a short vacation within India are welcome :)

The above quoted statement reminds me that I have been married for 18 years now and these years have not been short of dramas and petty things. For me, introspecting and retrospecting our journey through these years has always been an interesting activity. Each time it allowed me to improve upon myself with renewed maturity (not losing the sight of a kid hiding in me though).

--- 4 ---

This week's recipe

Sesame seed laddoo (til-ke-laddoo)
This week we'll talk about the goodness of sesame seeds. These are tiny seeds found in white and black colours. They are rich in manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B1, zinc and deitary fiber and nutrients. I am sure these are used in many kinds of cuisines all over the world. Specially in South India, sesame seeds are used widely in tempering or seasoning the foods. Sesame seeds are known to produce heat in body. Therefore, sweet sesame balls i.e., til-ke-laddoo are often prepared during winters. Kids will love them the most. In South India, the teenage girls upon their onset of puberty, are often fed with these laddoos as they are known to regulate the menstrual periods. New mothers are also advised to have sesame rich diet. Sesame oil is used in preparing pickles etc.

My favourite is "Nuvvula Podi", a kind of powder prepared with sesame seeds. This can be used with curries, plain steamed rice with a hint of sesame oil, idli, dosa, pulihora etc. I usually prepare either sesame seeds powder or roasted peanut powder or mixed seeds powder and use it as accompaniment in breakfast, and main course foods too. In our family all of us love brown bread toast with butter and one of these powders for breakfast with a steaming cup of tea.

Sesame seeds powder (Nuvvula Podi)
This is how it looks like when prepared. The recipe for preparing the powder can be had from "aaharam". Its fairly simple. I use sesame seeds, cumin seeds, dried red chillies, and garlic. Dry roast the sesame seeds. Temper with cumin seeds, red chillies and garlic. Grind it to a fine or coarse dry powder, depending upon your taste and preference. Salt can be added while grinding the mixture.

--- 5 ---

This week's book

The cat is still purring on my bedside table. "The Dalai Lama's Cat" by David Michie, that I shared with you last week is not yet done with. Due to a busy work week, could not find enough time to really indulge in good reading.

Well, as always, through a series of links I reached "The Secret Life of Plants: A fascinating account of the physical, emotional, and spiritual relations between plants and man" by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. That was while I was watching John Searle on TED. His talk on the so-called subjective topic of consciousness is very interesting and thought provoking. In the comments section I found a reference to the book I mentioned here. The title appears interesting. Will share more when I read it.

This is what I feel when I think of books. Although I stepped into this profession of librarianship by sheer serendipity, after so many years of enjoying this noble service, I believe, perhaps I was chosen for it :)

--- 6 ---

This week's song

"Dama Dam Mast Kalandar....."! Penned by the renowned Sufi Saint Bulleh Shah, and sung by many qalandars like Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Wadali Brothers, Runa Laila, Abida Parvin and by some modern bollywood singers too, its a highly acclaimed qawwali enjoyed by many. One will find many versions of this qawwali as sung by many singers and trust me, each one is equally enjoyable including the modern bollywood versions.

This video version is of Oct 2012 Surkshetra episode, sung by Asha Bhonsle, Abida Parvin, Runa Lalila and Atif Aslam.


--- 7 ---

Just heard from a senior colleague about "what I had been wanting" and "not getting it" till now. Was hoping to get it sometime sooner. But his report has made me to refer to this wonderful quote and thank the Dalai Lama XIV. I believe I am modern and therefore I abide by the Laws of Modern Man ;)

Have a great weekend and stay tuned :)

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


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