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Kshema's 7 Quick Takes Friday (Volume 5)

--- 1 ---
The week appeared to have started well. But Tuesday brought with it some tension and nervousness. It turned out to be quite tiresome. For some time I guess I behaved like a crazy creature trying to fight my guts out against the unsolicited situations. Thanks to all my friends for praying for me and being with me. Mustered courage to fight back and resolve the issues.

For the one which I never expected nor anticipated that it would happen in this way, I was reminded of "the fox and the grapes" fable. However, I concluded, it wasn't  meant for me, while I deserve the best.

--- 2 ---
The Star Excercise

Looking at my depressing state of mind, one of my good friends offered me to try The Star Exercise. It talks about a different perspective of energy and how we can use it to live our lives happily, written in the book, The Science of Being by Eugene Fersen. The book explains the life energy, “Universal Life Energy is everywhere. It is the First Manifestation of the Great Principle, the Causeless Cause Itself”. Interesting. The book also states, As Universal Life Energy is limitless and all powerful, the more it flows into the body the stronger the individual becomes”. To generate this energy The Star Exercise is recommended. It is the physical method to connect to the Universal Life Energy and let it flow through your body. Eugene states that “You are to open your body to the inflow of the Universal Life Energy outside of it. The life force within, from its center in your body, then acts as a magnet and attracts the Force from without. Your Life Center (located bottom of your spine) within, stimulated by the current of Universal Life Energy from without, takes in that Force, transforms it into the life current of the body and sends this changed condition to the Solar Plexus, its reservoir or storehouse. From there it is conveyed by the nerves throughout the whole system”. Which means When the body is in the star position, it naturally attracts energy from outside. Therefore when the body is in the star position, it pulls energy from the universe, which it then distributes throughout your body. It claims to bestow three fold benefits viz., physical, mental and spiritual.

I am used to doing yoga in mornings and follow a 1 hour regimen with several beneficial positions starting with the Surya Namaskaras or Sun Salutations, and end with relaxation. Thinking of squeezing this one in my regular regimen. Thanks to my good friend for introducing me to explore something new.

--- 3 ---
"He likes to move it move it"

Anguish continued into night. Daughter invited me to share her amusement. She has been watching the Madagascar series for past 2 days. Instead of tossing and turning in bed I thought I can try to forget my problems by accepting her invitation, though unwillingly. She turned out to be right. I loved the movie series. Specially, King Julien XIII, the self-proclaimed "Lord of Lemurs" in some way inspired besides amusing me.

Sometimes I wonder how the simple, benevolent animals can prove to be so thoughtful and mindful. Well yeah..... I know.... we animate them, yet sometimes they seem to trigger our thoughts and fire our senses. I add myself to the fan following of King Julien. His explanation of "sacrifice" triggered an idea in my mind to solve one of the problems I am presently facing. The following is King Julien's formula on how "sacrifice" works!

Julien explaning how a sacrifice works:-"My sacrifice goes in the volcano, then the friendly gods eat up my sacrifice."-
Mmm very nice thank you for the sacrifice.
"Here have another sacrifice." No, I had enough today. "Listen, I'm going to be insulted if you don't have another."
I Don't want another sacrifice okaaay.
"Look at yoou! You look skinnnny!"
No, I think I had enough! Is that clear?!
Julien:-"The gods eat the sacrifice, they are grateful. They give me some of the water, and I give it to you."
Female Dik Dik: Does it work?
Julien: "No! I mean, yes. Well, uh, Maurice?"
Maurice (King Julien's minister): "Eh...50/50."

And....... it worked! I hope not 50/50 but 100%. Une problemo solved!

--- 4 ---
The Greatness Guide

 I've read some self-help, self-management, motivational stuff previously and each one offered good tips to manage life efficiently and live happily to the possible extent. Now reading "The Greatness Guide" by Robin Sharma. Courtesy –’s free e-book give-away two weeks. This one is an addition. It says, “Make time to think” and talks about Robin Sharma’s meeting with Asia’s top CEO. He mentions that this successful businessman spends 45 mins. every morning with himself by closing his eyes. He is not meditating or praying, but he is thinking. Probably thinking about his business and challenges and ways to deal with them. I agree. Life is full of challenges and often several blind turns. Every stretch of it requires different ways to turn it into a hale and hearty one. If one stretch in your life demands fun and activity to keep yourself brimming with zest to be able to live up to the fullest, the other may demand a combination of physical exercise and inner reflections to calm your mind and concentrate on your present challenges. So for me, at this moment, I think I have to pick up this sentence from Robin Sharma – “Making the time to think is a superb strategy for success at leadership and life”.

--- 5 ---

This week's song has been "Kun Faya Kun" from the film Rockstar. Once again cheers to A.R. Rahman for his soul touching music. What attracted me the most are the lyrics of this song, meaning -
Be! And it is
And it is
And it is
When no where was there anything at all
He was there
He was there
He who fills me
He who fills you
The Lord - he is that very treasure

Wonderful composition! The words relate from The Quran and praise greatness of Allah. " 'Be!', and it is" refers to a Quranic passage. Very beautiful rendition of the glory of the merciful. Full lyrics and meaning are here. One can hear/sing to one's heart content and feel the bliss.

--- 6 ---
CBSE rolls out new ideas!

My daughter brought home (back in the month of May itself) the news of summer projects. Not unusual. I am used to supporting (more than supporting) her in all her summer projects in every grade. What surprised me this time is the fact that CBSE has thought of giving the History students an edge of project-enabled learning. Wow! Appreciate CBSE's innovative thinking for Arts students in India. This is going to be fun and challenging too.

--- 7 ---
Mahabharata - The Iliad of India

Lo and behold! The topic for History project has been chosen - Mahabharata through a reader's eye. I have heard and read Mahabharata since my childhood. Several versions, several stories, anecdotes and folklores. It is, no doubt, an interesting epic. The versions I have and am reading are by C. Rajagopalachari,  Gurcharan Das, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's the Palace of Illusion, Devdutt Pattanaik's Jaya, Pratibha Ray's Yajnaseni, Narendra Kohli's Mahasamar, Bibek Debroy's volumes of Mahabharata. I also see some similarities and analogies drawn with Iliad and Trojan War. The epic always intrigues and motivates me to look at it from different angles and through perspectives of various characters it portrays. Draupadi and Karna have always been my favourite characters. While browsing for more information, also came across an Indonesian perspective. Interesting. I hope myself and my daughter, together can rock this project!

As I emerge out of a difficult week, I look forward to a peaceful weekend.
Signing off with cheer, see you next week!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


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